Recovery from Obesity

Lorraine – Finding Her True Self

2nd April 2010

Dear Terry,

Your Find Yourself processes have been tremendously beneficial to me over the past five years. They were pivotal in my recovery from obesity and various concomitant disorders; physical and emotional. During your skilfully guided processes my experience has been to connect seamlessly with nature; my nature and Mother Nature, as one. It is amazing, I believe, that a fundamental concept is used in such a powerful way to facilitate the permanent healing shifts I have experienced.

I’ve noticed that my ability to flow with the process has improved exponentially over time. Inevitably, after a Find Yourself process, I leave your studio (with its beautiful view of nature) feeling relieved of whatever had been troubling me as well as having an enhanced sense of my connection with life. I am extremely grateful for the many steps I have taken towards living my authentic life as a result of working with you in this way.

With thanks and love,

Lorraine Givney (High School Teacher)

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