Terry Hitzke

December 22, 2011

Sun Exposure: friend or foe?

The commonly held assumption that both applying sunscreen and staying out of the sun act as a protection against melanoma has not stood up to recent studies reported in a dermatological journal. Dr John Cannell a leading authority on sun exposure and vitamin D shed additional […]
December 22, 2011


This form of stretching derives its name from using opposing muscle groups (Antagonist and Agonist) to produce a stretch on the opposite side of a joints range of motion. Catsanddogs do this all the time. For example: to stretch your hamstrings (back of upper thigh) and […]
December 22, 2011

Season’s greetings and my best wishes for a healthy and happy 2012.

March 2, 2011

Responding to the Day

As sure as there is night and day, Yin and Yang, summer and winter, there is a pendulum of energy flow that swings from day to day. Some days the pendulum swings to the high energy side of the arc, and some days it swings to […]
March 1, 2011


We will achieve sustainability, not from an intellectual assessment of scientific understandings……… but rather from sustainable parts of ourselves seeking to express themselves. Terry Hitzke 2010

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